The Department of hematology at NWA LAB is equipped with the best & latest technologies, performing a wide variety of basic and advances hematology testing, under super vision of our senior Hematopathologist.
General Hematology unit performed routine tests of blood counts using highly advanced automated blood count devices.

Blood smear & Cellular microscopy unit deals with diagnose of hematological and hemato-oncological diseases, clarification types of anemias and leukemias , on a highly professional level microscopy examination of blood film and bone marrow examinations, reticulocytes count , G6PD enzyme assay level,Coombs test (Direct and indirect), Identification of blood parasites (By blood film), JAK 2 gene mutation study (By PCR).
- Hemoglobinopathies unit, deals with rapid detection of abnormal hemoglobines of thalassemias, facilitated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis.
- Quantitation of abnormal hemoglobins (e.g. HbS in sickle cell disease, HbC, HbD…), Interpretation of results in correlation with complete blood picture, family screening and iron status.
- Coagulopathy unit performs routine blood coagulation tests bleeding and special tests to fully characterize , clotting diseases and hypercoagulation, congenital and acquired blood disorders using advanced automated instruments.