NWA Diagnostic Laboratory
Nwa Lab offered more than 550 laboratory tests, with more than 5400 additional rare genetic tests.
The Molecular Biology Section Offers a Wide Range of Useful Tests.

Test List

Contain more than 500 of commons & rare diagnostic test, with about 5400 genetic tests are available.

Lab Units

Reception and Phlebotomy - Hematology - Hormone - Virology - Clinical Chemistry - Immunology - ELISA - Molecular biology and Genetics - Microbiology - Parasitology - Metabolic disorders - Allergy.

Opening Hours

Saturday -Wednesday 09:00 am - 09:00 pm
Thursday 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
Friday Closed


Sulaymaniyah  / Ibrahim Pasha Street / Near Salim Bag Mosque /Nozhdar Building / First Floor


Opening Hours​

Saturday – Thursday
08:30 am – 9:00 pm
Friday Closed

